Running in the heat
Today was supposed to be my peak long run. I was all set to do a 30km run near Lake Huron (nice and flat) but the temperatures got the better of me. I set out with plenty of water and Gatorade. I had a granola bar but I forgot my energy chews. The heat hit me like I was running up a hill. It was 28 degrees C and the humidity oppressive making it feel about 35. I also had a strong head wind after 12k and though it helped with cooling it was strong and sucked the wind out of me and made it hard to hear my headphones. I called in my ride (who was on call because of the heat). I ended up doing about 16k...oh well. First time running in the heat. From what I have read online your body needs to acclimatize, so I guess I'll keep heading out when I can in the heat. Running a marathon at the Summer Solstice in Canada pretty much guarantees heat.