[4.5 km]
Completed this run in 30 minutes. Not a great time, but there was a bit of steep hill (the hill the Running Room uses for hill training, incidentally). Nonetheless, my legs and lungs felt great for the whole route, so I think I'm getting ready to start upping the mileage. We're going to try for a long run on Saturday - which at this point won't be that long -- I'm hoping to go more than 5km - maybe 6 or 7km...and I'll get to use my brand spankin' new camel back!
Completed this run in 30 minutes. Not a great time, but there was a bit of steep hill (the hill the Running Room uses for hill training, incidentally). Nonetheless, my legs and lungs felt great for the whole route, so I think I'm getting ready to start upping the mileage. We're going to try for a long run on Saturday - which at this point won't be that long -- I'm hoping to go more than 5km - maybe 6 or 7km...and I'll get to use my brand spankin' new camel back!